Thompson Walkthrough-TryHackme

Vigneshwar DK
3 min readJun 14, 2021



Nmap Results

We can see that port 8080 is running apache tomcat manager

It’s a default Apache website. I’ve checked the page source but nothing valuable

Lets use dirb Buster and find some directories in the ports

There was directory named manager then prompted for it and it asked for username and password and clicked cancel then i got some banner with some information

In that banner I noticed that username and password admin:s3cret

So used it to login and it was successful

In this server manager we can upload war files of java and store in the server

so I thought of uploading a reverse shell of .war extension and upload it to the server

Then used metasploit to expolit the server with username password

Used the above authenticated upload and exploited and got the reverse connection

Privilege Escalation

There is a script called “”. What it does is that print id command’s result to test.txt. Read the content of test.txt

Now i know that there will be a cronjob. This cronjob will run as root. So let’s check if I can modify the content of this script.

I was able to modify the script and added the bash spawning payload with a bash reverse shell

And started the reverse listener

Got it

Got the reverse connection !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


